
6 Benefits of HVAC Building Automation Systems

The primary function of any HVAC system is to make a building comfortable to work, learn or live in. It maintains the desired temperature, humidity, and air quality to keep the occupants comfortable. 

Advancements in technology have allowed these systems to become much more efficient and environmentally friendly. One effective way is through the development of BAS (Building Automation Systems), the same system used in smart homes. 

To find out how HVAC building automation systems work and discover if they’re worth the investment for your home, keep reading! 

What is an HVAC building automation system (BAS)?

So, what exactly is an HVAC building automation system? Put simply, it is a system that can be installed to ensure the smart and efficient control of HVAC systems in a building. A prime example of a simple BAS is a smart thermostat. 

Improvements in HVAC technology have allowed smart controls to be available on both small and large scales. HVAC automation controls are centralized devices responsible for controlling and managing the entire building’s HVAC system. 

After installation, HVAC building automation systems run as per the customized controls of the operator. An automation system makes the HVAC unit more efficient, as it will turn on or off depending on what it detects. 

How do HVAC building automation systems work?

HVAC building automation is usually installed in new buildings or during an HVAC retrofit. It contains hardware and software that connects several systems, including heating and cooling, security, lighting, and other systems. Also, sensors and other measures ensure that data can be delivered properly once the system is in place.

An automated HVAC system has better flexibility as the BAS takes charge of HVAC functions in the building. As a result, your HVAC unit runs efficiently, reducing energy loss. Many systems even allow you to manage your system remotely from a smartphone.  

Several processes are required in the installation and operational stages of building automation systems (HVAC). These include:

  • Control of process variable
  • Central setpoint for the variable
  • Device control
  • Decision-making controller
  • Direct change sensor

Larger building automation systems rely on HVAC system control integration; for better energy efficiency, two or more buildings will require similar systems. Larger BAS systems typically are more complex to install. 

However, even with such complexities, HVAC building automation systems rely on three priority levels. These are the weekly schedule, logic programming, and operator. Setting up a BAS can be complex, but the benefits are worth it.

Benefits of an HVAC building automation system

Installing this type of system in your corporate building has several benefits. In fact, larger buildings are often the best fit for HVAC building automation systems. Some benefits include the following: 

1. Monitoring a building’s system data

Wondering if the high upfront cost of the HVAC BAS system is worth it? One of the top benefits is the ability to monitor system data in a building or institution.

A BAS is good for monitoring data from the system. There’s easier monitoring and control once it’s set up. If you encounter any issues, the system allows you to respond quickly.

The system operator can check for issues and take necessary action to solve them. This gives HVAC technicians ample time to respond before the issue grows and affects the entire system.

2. Energy efficiency

One of the main reasons companies and institutions switch to HVAC building automation systems is increased energy efficiency

With rising energy costs and the global push for eco-friendly HVAC solutions, efficient systems are in high demand. An automated HVAC system will lower energy costs and decrease the company’s carbon footprint. 

Timers and sensors set up throughout the building are crucial components of the BAS system. These collect data that outlines the energy used across the building. Energy usage data highlights how energy is used and provides insight on how to lower energy usage in the future. 

Another key reason is to decrease a company’s carbon footprint. The fight against climate change has pushed for buildings to reduce energy consumption since it is better for the environment. An efficient BAS system helps this by ensuring better eco-friendly energy use.

3. Employee productivity

Imagine working in a building with an unreliable HVAC system. Large corporate buildings that house hundreds of employees need to ensure their indoor climate is comfortable for their workers. A building that is too stuffy or too cold will affect employee job satisfaction and productivity. 

A good and reliable HVAC building automation system will help improve productivity. Sensors and timers will ensure even heating and cooling in the building. Employees will be free to concentrate on their tasks rather than on trying to get comfortable. 

4. Lower maintenance and repair costs

Large buildings often incur HVAC maintenance costs because problems go undetected for long periods of time. Minor issues can develop into larger, more complex ones over time, and with larger issues come higher repair costs. 

HVAC building automation relies on smart technology, which helps detect and mitigate issues. This makes it easier to carry out timely maintenance and repair on the commercial HVAC system so the HVAC technician won’t charge an arm and a leg to fix your system. 

5. Lower maintenance costs

A complex commercial HVAC system can require a team of technicians to ensure everything is running smoothly. While many hands make light work, a larger team of technicians will cost you more. 

Installing an HVAC building automation system will mean lower maintenance costs for your heating and cooling system. The system is super-efficient, so there’s no need for a whole team onsite. Instead, the system can be run by an operator who works alongside an HVAC technician.

6. Improved indoor air quality

HVAC systems are a major contributor to indoor air quality. With better air quality, employees and customers will feel much more comfortable working and shopping.

What are the essential parts of HVAC building automation systems?

Automated HVAC systems have several components which enable them to work effectively. These include:


These are the ‘brains’ of the BAS system. In other words, this is where the data collection for the entire system takes place.


Every HVAC BAS system requires sensors. They detect and record data for all the crucial parts of the HVAC system, including heating, ventilation, cooling, and temperature control.

Terminal interface

This is where the operator of the BAS system will gain access to data before making important decisions. From here, any problems in the system are easy to note and act upon.

Bottom line

HVAC building automation systems have a variety of benefits. While they can be expensive upfront, their benefits are worth every coin. An efficient system means lower energy bills, improved comfort, air quality and fewer health issues. If you need an HVAC system for your home or commercial building, investing in a BAS is worth it. 

If you have more questions about your HVAC system and whether or not a BAS will work for you, contact us today. 

This article was written in collaboration with Build Media Group.

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