Single-Stage vs. Two-Stage Air Conditioner: A Comparison

air conditioning

Deciding to buy a new air conditioner can be difficult. There are many different types and models available on the market, and it can be hard to determine which one is right for your home.

For instance, how do you choose between a single-stage vs. a two-stage air conditioner? Which system best fits your home cooling needs?

The ultimate goal is to achieve the best indoor environment for enhanced comfort. Therefore, whichever system you pick should ensure this.

Here is a comprehensive comparison of single-stage vs. two-stage air conditioners to help you make the best decision.

Let’s start with a single-stage air conditioner;

What is a Single-Stage Air Conditioner?

A single-stage air conditioner is the most basic type of cooling system. It has one operational mode, which is either on or off.

The AC runs in full capacity mode until it achieves the desired temperature. Then it will remain off until the temperature rises again beyond the set thermostat’s reading.

For example, if your thermostat reads 70 degrees, any temperature above this will set the AC on. When the temperature goes below the set minimum, it shuts itself off.

Single-stage air conditioners will continually turn on or off during the day, depending on temperature.

How Does this Work?

A single-stage AC compressor has only one capacity or speed. It runs at full blast when turned on and never varies its speed.

This can be either a good or bad thing, depending on your needs.

What is a Two-Stage Air Conditioner?

Unlike the single-stage AC, a two-stage air conditioner has two modes – high and low capacity.

This means that the AC can operate at either partial or full cooling capacity, depending on the situation. For instance, during hot summer days, the AC will run full blast like the single-stage AC.

However, on milder summer days, it will run in low mode, as the house doesn’t need too much cooling. This becomes more efficient.

How Does this Work?

Well, the two-stage air conditioner has a compressor with two different settings. When it’s set to a low mode, the system delivers about 65% of its total cooling capacity.

On the other hand, when the thermostat reads a temperature that is higher than the set minimum, the compressor automatically switches to high mode and runs at 100%.

This way, it can reach and maintain the desired indoor temperature more efficiently than a single-stage air conditioner.

Comparing Single-Stage vs. Two-Stage Air Conditioner in Terms of Features

Now that we know how these systems work, let’s see how they compare in terms of specific features;

  • Compressor

A compressor is the main difference between these two AC units. As we’ve seen, a single-stage air conditioner has only one compressor speed while the two-stage AC has two.

This means that the single one will run at full blast all the time, while the two-stage compressor will only run at 100% when needed.

  • Efficiency

In terms of efficiency, both systems are about the same. However, a two-stage air conditioner is more efficient when it comes to partial cooling capacity mode. This is because they use less energy than a single-stage AC.

  • Noise Levels

Noise levels are certainly an issue for many people. No one wants their peace disturbed by a noisy AC, especially if it’s running all day long. In this case, the two-stage AC is a better option as it’s quieter than the single-stage unit.

  • Size and Weight

The two are important factors to consider when choosing an AC. Two-stage air conditioners tend to be bigger and heavier than their single-stage counterparts.

So, depending on your house, it’s advisable to seek professional advice on which unit is ideal.

  • Price

Price is always a concern for consumers. And in this case, the two-stage AC tends to be more expensive than the single-stage one.

For example, a single-stage 3-ton Lennox XC14 AC will cost around ~ $1,795. On the other hand, a two-stage 3-ton Lennox Elite XC16 AC costs around $2,469.

However, it’s important to remember that you get what you pay for. The two-stage AC is a more efficient and quieter system, which makes it worth the extra money.

Single-Stage vs. Two-Stage Air Conditioner: Pros and Cons

Single-Stage AC Pros

Some of the reasons why so many US homes still use single-stage ACs include:

  • Low cost: They are cheaper than two-stage models
  • Easy installation: Since they are not as big, it’s easier and faster to install them.

Single-Stage AC Cons

However, there are some drawbacks that you should consider before buying a single-stage air conditioner;

  •  Inefficient: These systems are less efficient than two-stage models. They only run in full blast whether the temperatures are mild or too hot.
  • Noisy: The units are a bit noisy since the compressor is always running at full capacity. This can be unfavorable for many people.

Two-Stage Air Conditioner Pros

The main advantages of using a two-stage air conditioner include:

  • More Efficient: As we’ve seen earlier, these units use less energy than their single-stage counterparts. This is because they can run on low or high mode when need be.
  • Less Noisy: Since the compressor only runs in high mode when needed, these units are much quieter than single-stage ACs.

Two-Stage Air Conditioner Cons

The truth is nothing is perfect. And these AC units also have some drawbacks. Some of these include:

  • Pricier: Two-stage air conditioners cost more than single-stage ones, as seen above. So, if your budget is lower, you might not be able to enjoy the comfort that comes with these ACs.
  • Bigger and Heavier: These units are usually bigger and heavier than their single-stage ACs. This can make them difficult to install for some people. However, consulting with a professional first will help you know how to install.

Which one is better, Single-Stage or Two-Stage Air Conditioner? 

When it comes to deciding between the two, there are several factors you need to consider. The most important ones include your budget, the size of your home, and your cooling needs.

If you have a smaller home and don’t mind paying extra for more efficiency, then the two-stage AC is a good choice for you. However, if you’re on a tight budget or want something easier to install, go with the single-stage AC.

In the end, it all boils down to what’s best for you and your family.

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