What Is The Ideal Humidity Level For Houses During Summer?

Picture this: you’re relaxing at home after a long day, but that cool blast from the AC doesn’t seem to cut it. The air feels heavy, and you constantly reach for a glass of water. This, my friends, is the sneaky culprit of summer discomfort – humidity.

Relative humidity (a fancy term for the level of moisture in the air) influences how comfortable we feel indoors. When summer rolls around, the air naturally holds more moisture, creating that sticky feeling and making it harder for our bodies to cool down.

But fret not! Maintaining a healthy humidity level isn’t just about comfort. It’s also essential for good indoor air quality (IAQ), preventing mold growth and allergy flare-ups that can impact your health.

Understanding Summer Humidity: The Silent Comfort Thief

Let’s take a closer look at this “relative humidity’. It measures how much moisture the air can hold at a given temperature. Think of it like a sponge – the warmer the sponge, the more water it can soak up. This is why summer air naturally holds more moisture than cooler winter air.

The more moisture in the air (higher moisture), the harder it is for our bodies to sweat and cool down. That’s why you might still feel sticky and uncomfortable even with the AC blasting. On the other hand, dry air (low moisture) can cause dry skin and itchy eyes.

The sweet spot for your home’s humidity level during summer falls between 30% and 50%. This comfort zone ensures you feel cool and refreshed while preventing mold growth. Mold thrives in damp environments, so maintaining the ideal humidity levels in check helps maintain a healthy indoor air quality (IAQ) for you and your family.

The Downside of High Summer Humidity

Here’s how high atmospheric moisture can mess with your summer comfort and even your health:

Unpleasant Sensory Overload

  • Sticky Feeling: High atmospheric moisture makes the air feel heavy and clings to your skin, leaving you feeling constantly damp and uncomfortable. Imagine relaxing on a hot, humid day like wearing a wet towel!
  • Static Shocks: Ever get those annoying zaps when you touch a doorknob or another person on a humid day? That’s static electricity caused by friction between charged particles in the air. High atmospheric moisture makes these zaps more frequent and can be quite a nuisance.

Damage to Your Home

  • Musty Odors: Mold and mildew growth thrive in humid environments. These organisms can produce musty odors that permeate your home, creating an unpleasant smell.
  • Warped Wood: High humidity can cause wooden furniture, doors, and flooring to warp and crack, leading to expensive repairs or replacements.
  • Peeling Paint and Wallpaper: Like wood, excessive moisture can cause paint and wallpaper to peel away from walls and ceilings.

Health Concerns

  • Dry Skin and Itchy Eyes: High humidity can draw moisture away from your skin, leading to dryness and irritation. Your eyes can also suffer, becoming itchy and uncomfortable.
  • Allergy Flare-Ups: Mold thrives in damp environments. If high atmospheric moisture allows mold to grow in your home, its spores can irritate your respiratory system, triggering allergy symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and itchy eyes.

These are just some of the downsides of high summer humidity. It can significantly influence your comfort and health, making it truly difficult to enjoy the summer season in your home. In the next section, we’ll explore strategies to combat high humidity and create a cool, refreshing haven for you and your family.

Strategies to Control Summer Humidity

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the summer humidity? Don’t worry! Here are some great ways to beat the high humidity and make your home cool and refreshing:

Air Conditioning

Your AC unit not only cools the air but also works as a dehumidifier. When the air is cooled, the system removes moisture, which is why you may notice water dripping outside the unit. Some ACs have a dehumidifying setting to focus on removing moisture during humid times.


Dehumidifiers are standalone appliances that remove water from the air. They pull in wet air, turn the water into liquid in a tank, and then blow dry air back into the room. These devices can significantly help your air conditioner, especially in damp places like basements or laundry rooms. They’re also great if your AC can’t remove water from the air or if you only need help with moisture in certain areas.

Simple Home Practices

Here are some easy steps you can take to reduce indoor moisture sources and prevent humidity buildup:

  • Address Leaky Pipes: Even small leaks can contribute to excess moisture in your home.
  • Dry Laundry Outdoors (when possible): Avoid hanging wet clothes indoors, as this releases moisture into the air.
  • Run Exhaust Fans: After showering or cooking, turn on your bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans to remove excess moisture created during these activities.


Proper ventilation helps remove moist air from your home and brings fresh, drier air. Open windows and doors when the outdoor atmospheric moisture is lower than the indoor atmospheric moisture.

Additional Considerations:

  • Hygrometer: Invest in a hygrometer, a handy tool that measures humidity levels in your home. This allows you to monitor your home’s environment and adjust your strategies. Ideally, you want to maintain a humidity between 30% and 50%.
  • Cost Savings and Energy Efficiency: Effectively managing summer humidity can lead to lower energy bills. A comfortable humidity level allows your AC to work more efficiently, potentially saving you money on your cooling costs.
  • Long-Term Solutions with an HVAC Professional (HVAC system, technician, home improvement): If you’re facing persistent humidity issues or need more advanced solutions, consider consulting an HVAC professional. They can assess your home’s needs and recommend long-term solutions like upgrading your HVAC system or installing a whole-house dehumidifier.

Ready to make your home more comfortable this summer? Contact Anderson Air for expert advice on air conditioning installation and repairs. Our skilled technicians can help you find the perfect solution to control summer humidity, ensuring a cool and refreshing environment throughout the season!

Breathe Easy and Enjoy Summer Comfort with Anderson Air 

Following the tips and strategies in this blog post, you can effectively control summer humidity and create a cool, refreshing haven in your home. Imagine relaxing after a long day in a comfortable environment that feels cool and dry, free from the stickiness and discomfort of high.

Take control of your summer comfort and breathe easy! Implement these strategies and enjoy the peace of mind of a healthy and comfortable home environment.

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